Incredibly catchy
I have to admit, when I first started watching this, I thought it was going to be a complete waste of my time. The simple white line drawings on the black background seemed very sub-par, and the tune started off kind of slow, although it wasn't too bad. I decided to continue watching, however, as a devoted Star Wars fan, and I'm so very glad I did. Thank you for proving my first instinct wrong, this was really quite something! The simple animation style that almost turned me away at first is something I fell in love with more and more as the movie progressed. It fits the song perfectly, and the lips on the singers move almost perfectly in time with the lyrics (as does the snapping). The style here is truly unique, something I have not seen before. The corny humor throughout this is great, you put a fair amount in without going over the top, and got a fair few smiles out of me. I particularly liked the use of images in place of words (F+horse=force, egg+swing=X-Wing, and best of all, how to wear a "hood"). The place where this really shines, though, is the music. Once it picks up, the tune is something I can't stop listening to. None of the lyrics really lie so far outside the Star Wars universe that they don't fit, AND they flow wonderfully. I really must commend you for doing both with the same song. I rated this high on interactivity, simply because I can't stop singing it. I was singing lines from it repeatedly through my morning shower today, and it still hasn't become boring yet. I think I'm going to need therapy to stop listening to this. Great work, I hope to see more submissions like this from you in the future.